
School Resources

We’ve put together some useful resources on books, reading and motivation for schools and teachers to use. We’d love to hear from you if you have any ideas to add to this page so please email us with your suggestions. Every Duffy school that has a suggestion published will receive a free book for the school library.

Download the Duffy Coordinator's Best Practices Manual

Download the current book offer brochure

Download the book offer instructions

Download the 2024 Duffy Year Planner

Download the 'Caught Being Good' certificate

Download the Proud to be a Duffy School poster

Click here to go to the Duffy Theatre Teacher Resources

Download the E-Library Instructions

During the Covid-19 outbreak, we created a bunch of resources for whanau to keep up their kids’ reading habits while at home. Hit the links below to be taken to those pages.

Read About It - The Duffy Song 

 You can download all the different versions of The Duffy Song on Apple Music and Spotify or just watch the video below!

Duffy Logos and Images

Click on the images below to download larger versions for use in school signs, publications and class projects. Then just right click on the large image and choose ‘Save Image As’ to save it to your computer.

Our Schools

Delivering the gift of brand new books to over 100,000 New Zealand children three times a year.

There are so many ways you can help Duffy thrive like funding a school, donating, becoming a role model or supporting our theatre teams. Drop us a line to find out more.