Become a Duffy School

We’d love your school to join over 500 other Duffy schools around New Zealand. Being a Duffy school means more than just handing out books to children.

What does it mean to be a Duffy school?

Our schools play an active part in fostering a love of books and reading in their children. Each school appoints a Duffy Coordinator who will drive the programme and coordinate a variety of events throughout the year. These include:

  • Distributing and collating book order forms.
  • Liaising with Duffy Books in Homes to organise Role Model assemblies, Duffy Theatre performances and special awards throughout the year.
  • Keeping in touch with your school’s sponsor.
  • Organising weekly ‘Caught Being Good’ awards for students.
  • Nominating annual ‘Duffy Champion’ awards for individuals who champion the Duffy programme.
  • Completing an online survey twice a year.

You can download our Year Planner to see all the events that Duffy schools take part in during the year.

To register either fill in the form on this page or download the full registration document below.

Download the new school registration form