Book Awards

Book Awards

In addition to Duffy kids receiving at least six books each year, they have the opportunity to earn more books through a weekly Caught Being Good award. This award not only reinforces positive behaviour, it places value on books as a reward and gives teachers a chance to play an even more positive role in their students’ lives.

The Scholastic Duffy Champion awards celebrate the adults who champion reading and/or literacy in your wider school community. It could be a teacher, parent, grandparent or volunteer who receives this award. A book and card are awarded to Duffy Champions who have promoted reading in their school community.

Teachers and Duffy coordinators click here to view the Best Practices Manual for more information and ideas about Duffy Champion awards

The Mainfreight Award for Excellence in Attitude is presented at a special end of year assembly to one student who has displayed all-around excellence. This award is generously sponsored by Mainfreight and many Duffy schools make it their main end-of-year award.

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